In this web novel, there is a world where magical girls battled monstrous creatures, the narrative unfolds with the Four-Leafed Clovers —Cherry, Azure, Apricot, and Jade, representing four magical girls, engage in combat against a massive octopus-like monster. The scene is set with beams of colorful light, each corresponding to the magical girl’s weapon, striking the creature with relentless force. However, overconfidence proves costly as Cherry is sent flying by the monster’s tentacles, prompting a chaotic counterattack.
As the magical girls struggle, a mysterious figure, Snow Qing, emerges from the shadows, unleashing a powerful attack named “Lavender Eternal Slumber.” The monster, moments away from victory, collapses, marking a decisive end to the battle. Snow Qing’s enigmatic nature and lone wolf approach leave the other magical girls in awe and confusion.
The narrative then shifts to the aftermath, where the magical girls express a mix of gratitude, frustration, and curiosity towards Snow Qing. Azure, in particular, voices resentment, accusing Snow Qing of stealing the spotlight with her timely interventions. The tension within the group hints at the complex dynamics among magical girls, each with their attributes, powers, and vulnerabilities.
The story takes an unexpected turn as it delves into the origin of Snow Qing’s body and the revelation that she is a traveler from another world. The original host, Yellow Butter, had committed suicide to prevent corruption, leaving Snow Qing to inherit the body and face the challenges of magical corruption. The narrative skillfully weaves the dual existence of the protagonist, grappling with the memories of the original magical girl and the responsibilities of the traveler.
The struggle against corruption becomes a central theme as Snow Qing, a demonized magical girl, navigates the complexities of her new identity. The vivid descriptions portray her physical and mental challenges, emphasizing the toll of her unique situation. The concept of magical corruption adds depth to the narrative, intertwining the magical and demonic elements of the world.
Snow Qing’s solitary and secretive nature is explored further, rooted in a lack of trust for other magical girls due to the inherent dangers of corruption. The internal conflict between her demonic instincts and human facade adds layers to her character, creating a captivating blend of darkness and vulnerability.
The narrative closes with Snow Qing reverting to her true form—a demon on a snowy white bed. The details of her demonic features and the inner struggle to maintain a human facade provide a glimpse into the complexity of her existence. The story sets the stage for Snow Qing’s journey, hinting at the challenges she faces in replenishing her magic power and the unconventional methods she employs.
Intriguingly, the narrative introduces the concept of magical girls gaining power through the support of fans, transforming the magical girl community into a competitive arena reminiscent of idol groups. This revelation adds a layer of societal commentary and competition within the magical girl world.
As night falls, Snow Qing prepares to replenish her magic power, shedding light on the unconventional ways magical girls sustain themselves. The chapter concludes with an air of mystery and anticipation, leaving readers eager to explore the depths of Snow Qing’s journey and the challenges that lie ahead.
Amidst the lingering echoes of the battle, Snow Qing took a moment to gather her thoughts. The evening breeze gently rustled the curtains, carrying a sense of anticipation as she prepared to step into the night. The rented room, now devoid of her presence, bore witness to the ongoing struggle between her human-like self and the encroaching darkness within.
Her path lay in the shadows, navigating the delicate balance between survival and corruption. As she ventured into the night, the city’s pulse resonated with the dichotomy of magical girls adored by fans and the demons lurking in the unseen corners. Snow Qing, a lone figure in this intricate dance, embarked on her quest for magical power, weaving through a world where trust was a luxury she couldn’t afford.
The night held both uncertainty and potential, and Snow Qing, with her enigmatic presence, embraced the challenges that awaited in the veiled realm where demons and magical girls collided—a realm where the boundaries between light and shadow blurred, and the true essence of her existence unfolded.
As the story continues, you find yourself further emersed in the world of magic, action, and expression.