A Different World? Trading Between Worlds - Ch 2, Ep 46 - Mariel's Anxiety
Mariel’s Anxiety
At the counter, Watari and his companions received a key and were assigned a room on the second floor.
In this world, where elevators did not exist, the second floor was often considered superior to the third floor due to the convenience of fetching water and using the restroom.
With some exceptions in the cases of rooms with scenic views.
“This room is quite spacious. We should be able to relax here.”
“It’s so nice that we get to sleep in such good beds.”
There were three clean, spacious beds lined in the room. Wooden windows with shutters opened to reveal the heads of people walking below. There was a sink with running water, and a magical lamp created by an alchemist hung on the wall, indicating the room’s high quality.
In this world, alchemists wield significant power. Just as Mariel was surprised when she first came to Watari’s home, some modern conveniences have been replicated using magic and alchemy. However, only a small, elite portion of the population could afford such luxuries; far from commonplace.
Having alchemist-made devices indicated a place catering to the nobility.
They had initially planned to leave the room immediately after checking in, but that plan was scrapped. Mariel, who entered later, looked distressed and sat on the bed to rest.
“Are you okay, Mariel?”
“Y-Yes, I’m fine.”
“That’s not true. You’re really tense. Your complexion is pale, and your heart is racing.”
“You’re definitely not okay. You don’t have to pretend. It’s better if you tell us when you’re anxious or worried.”
“I’m sorry… Ea, you didn’t need to say anything.”
“No way. If Mariel were to collapse, both Master and I would be heartbroken.”
Since meeting the man at the hotel’s counter, who seemed to be the manager, Mariel’s condition had suddenly worsened. Her face had grown pale, and her hands were alarmingly cold, a typical shock symptom likely caused by psychological stress.
Lying Mariel down on the bed, Watari loosened her collar. She looked embarrassed, but this wasn’t the time to worry about such things. Her beautiful face was now haggard, ruining her usual appearance. He took out a towel and wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.
“Managing slaves is a master’s job. It’s important for slaves to report their condition. So if you’re struggling, don’t hide it. Seeing you in pain makes me feel bad too.”
“I’m really sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m sorry for pushing you when you’re not well. Take your time and rest.”
As Mariel’s breathing steadied, she sighed in relief. Watari quietly waited for her to recover. Gradually, color returned to her face.
‘Yeah, when the blood returns, she’s really beautiful and cute. I’d like to see Mariel smile more often. The phrase “tragic beauty” doesn’t suit her at all.’
“You were pretending to be okay, weren’t you?”
“I thought I wasn’t bothered by it. I’m surprised at myself.”
“You can be more honest with us. You don’t even have to attend the academy if you don’t want to.”
“No, please let me help!”
“Heh, Mariel is such a strong-willed girl.”
Watari’s words were meant to show consideration, but Mariel responded more strongly than he had expected.
Her voice was strong, belying her weak, reclining state.
Watari, surprised, looked intently at Mariel’s face. Ea, who seemed to understand, watched and smiled knowingly.
From Mariel’s previous behavior, it was clear that introducing herself as a slave to new acquaintances wasn’t a problem. Additionally, those she was introduced to accepted her status as a slave without prejudice. At least on the surface, there had been no overt discrimination so far.
In this world, like in ancient Rome, being a slave did not correlate with one’s abilities or background. Even former nobles could become slaves, and being a slave didn’t necessarily mean one was subjected to especially harsh duties. There were many cases where slaves, possessing more valuable skills than commoners, were highly prized or even lived lavishly as concubines. However, being a slave undeniably came with its disadvantages.
“But if you go to the academy, there’s a high chance you’ll run into people you know, Mariel.”
“From the looks of it, I think it might be tough… But I still want to respect Mariel’s wishes,” Ea said.
Mariel’s concern about her status had only surfaced in front of Baron Moy. In other words, unlike with new acquaintances, significant changes in her social standing were evident to those who knew her as a noble. It was likely more distressing for her to be recognized as a fallen noble than simply being seen as a slave. Even though Mariel had done nothing to deserve her status as a slave, the perception still mattered.
“Well, it’s known that your family has fallen, right?”
“Yes, that’s almost certainly known.”
“In that case, it’s not something that can be hidden. … I’ve got an idea.”
“What is it?”
“Let’s dress Mariel up in something nice!”
“Ah, that sounds like a good idea.”
“Right? Since we’re in the capital, we should dress her in fine clothes and proper accessories. She can face everyone with the attitude of, ‘Yes, I’m a slave, so what?’”
With Ea’s immediate understanding, Watari felt confident sharing his idea.
Watari, though not of noble birth, understood the importance of appearances. In social interactions, regardless of gender or status, maintaining one’s dignity was crucial. Even as a slave, it communicated their true standing if one dressed well.
By dressing in high-quality, well-made clothes and carrying herself with dignity, Mariel could demonstrate her current worth despite her status. Having a skilled warrior like Ea as her escort and maintaining a close relationship with her master, Watari, would make it clear to discerning individuals how valued she was and hint at Watari’s wealth. If someone couldn’t grasp this, they weren’t worth engaging with.
“Haha, that sounds interesting.”
Mariel, though still weak, managed to smile at Watari’s suggestion.