Double Press - Chapter 0 - Prologue - part 1
There was nothing too exciting in my day-to-day life. I do consider my usual days ‘fun’. Being out at school with my friends, hanging out at the mall, or anywhere else when we can. The work I do at the school’s newspaper committee. When I’m at home, lazing around. Bonding with family, doing all sorts of things- road trips, celebrations, or just watching movies into the night. Whenever some new things pop up, I’d go check it out. For me, this would fit pretty well with ‘fun’. But because it was how everything usually is, ‘fun’ eventually turned into ‘normal’… My ‘normal’
There was nothing special about today. Still, I wanted to start the week right, so I got up as early as I could, ate a hearty breakfast, and walked to school with my full uniform crisp and ironed. The sun beat down on me as I walked to school, the air smelled unusual for this time of year- the tangy scent after the rain. It doesn’t really match though, the clear sunny sky paired with the scent of petrichor. It made my senses swirl in a sort of dance, trying to make sense of what was around me. Registering the scents and sights that didn’t seem to match. But, I guess it kind of feels nice… I keep a steady pace, the wooden soles of my shoes hit the ground with a satisfying clack! As I round a corner on the sidewalk, pearl white buildings, arranged in descending heights come into view. In front, a large steel gate stands open between two walls surrounding the whole structure. A banner hangs from the top of the gate in a bold, golden font that reads: THE YEAR END BREAK IS OVER! WELCOME BACK STUDENTS FOR TWO MORE MEMORABLE QUARTERS AT ROCKWELL HIGH SCHOOL! I stop right in front of the entrance, taking three whole breaths before I stride inside my school – ready for the first day of school after the year-end vacation.