Genocide Reality - Chapter 9 - Toward the Bowels of the Earth
After dropping Nanami’s group off in town, I was finally free. Let’s get on with exploring the labyrinth.
“Oops, first I have to teach Seki so that he can stand on his own.”
“Did you call for me?”
Kumiko came over to find me back in town. Behind her came Sashiki Ena, the calm girl with ample bosom and cracked glasses, and Tachibana Mio, known for her straight-cut bangs.
Perhaps they gathered because we were all in the same Class A. Impressively, they were all properly equipped with the tough leather gear I bought for them.
Right, ladies, come over here. I received some gold coins as my share, so I’ll give you money to buy weapons.
Hey, Kumiko. I already bought you a long spear, so don’t stand in line.
“I didn’t call for you, Kumiko, I called for Seki.”
“Seki-kun is sleeping at the hotel.”
What, is he sick again? Seki had always been physically weak and prone to illness.
I became concerned, so I decided to go to the hotel. I wonder how long it’s available, and what time is check out?
When I entered the suite, I found Seki lying on the bed with a tired face.
His face is not pale and he is sleeping peacefully.
When Seki is sick, he has a fever, so I put my hand on his white forehead, but he doesn’t seem to have a fever either.
A closer look reveals scrolls with instructions on how to use magic and potions of yellow and blue liquid scattered about the bed.
“I see, so that’s what’s going on Hey, wake up, Seki.”
Sleep increases the rate of mana recovery. Seki must have realized this and repeatedly used up his mana until it depleted, then slept to recover mana and make potions.
I was the one who told Seki to train in potion-making, but I hadn’t taught him yet, and he seemed to be figuring out the efficiency on his own, which impressed me.
“Ah… Shinjou-kun. You’re safe.”
“Yeah, well, wake up. The method you’re using is close to correct, but a bit too extreme.”
If the goal is to clear the game as fast as possible with a group party, there is no need for balance. The best solution is for each individual to aim for master rank in the class they excel at.
As a priest, Seki only needed to train in the priest rank where he excelled; that was the logic.
However, what we are playing is a death game with no resurrection continuation.
In order to increase our survival rate, we need to train in our weak areas as well.
“I can make beginner-level potions without any mistakes now.”
“You did well, but you need to work on your body too.”
I reached out to touch Seki’s shoulders as he lay on the bed and slipped my hand into his shirt to feel his chest.
Seki let out a strange shriek and backed away.
Seki’s skin was pale and very soft. It was smooth and even more feminine than a girl’s.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you won’t be able to fight like this.
“If you have no muscles at all, anyone can tell just by touching.”
“I’m… I’m sorry. I thought making potions would be helpful to you, Shinjou-kun.”
“There’s no need to be in a hurry there. It’s good to develop your strengths, but you need to train your warrior rank as well to survive. If you don’t strengthen your body, you’ll only slow me down.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sure you thought about it in your own way Seki, and I’m glad you did. Yes, if you are going to help me, I need you to make some potions to increase my agility.”
I’ve only managed to successfully cast basic torchlight spells a few times, and my magic rank hasn’t gone up at all.
It would be helpful if there were a lot of potions for improving physical abilities that could be stacked in effect, even though they are at the beginner level.
“Agility-boosting potions, right? I’ll start making them right away.”
I ask him to fill the empty flask I had with me with a purple potion that increases agility.
It seems Seki wasn’t lying about his training; he managed to make four potions without a single failure.
“From now on, I’ll teach you how to train your body in the town, so make the most of the time while your mana recharges.”
Training your body after using up your mana until it naturally recovers is the most efficient way.
Considering efficiency, it’s better not to rest until your stamina reaches its limit.
I take Seki, Kumiko, and the others who have come along on their own to the workshop behind the blacksmith’s store.
It’s a strange space, uninhabited, with a row of furnaces and an anvil, and even the sound of a hammer swinging can be heard from somewhere.
I have no use for the blacksmith shop itself.
The important thing is that the walls of the building are made of hard steel for some reason.
“The way to raise your warrior rank or experience is basically the number of times you wield a weapon. But at the same time, the more damage you inflict on stronger enemies, the easier it is to raise it. And this is the strongest enemy in town.”
I clank against a wall made of steel.
Just for a test, I raised the practice Scramasax and swung it down from above. Along with the sound of metal being shaved off with a clang, my hand tingled. The heavy sensation took a toll on my arm.
“So that’s why Shinjou-kun bought that heavy sword you said was a useless weapon….”
“That’s right, the warrior rank experience is categorized into four types: ‘striking,’ ‘thrusting,’ ‘slashing,’ and ‘evading/defending.’ It’s a masked data even the ‘Oracle’ can’t measure, but experience accumulates based on the type of attack. Among these, using a heavy weapon to ‘strike’ with brute force is the action that boosts Health the most. Since the priest’s weapon is a mace, it pairs well with ‘striking’.”
“Okay, I’ll give it a try.”
I handed Seki the heavy Scramasax, and he lifted it with his skinny arms, striking the steel wall with his body weight.
It’s a heck of a good start, but that’s how it goes at first. Anyway, there is only training.
“As long as your stamina lasts. No, use stamina potions to restore it and repeat. If you train until your warrior level is Apprentice at the ‘oracle’, you’ll have decent Health and won’t easily die on the first floor.”
To survive, you must increase your Health above all else. In a state like mine where a single blow from a formidable enemy can kill you, it’s too risky to go anywhere.
As I watched with this in mind, next to Seki, Kumiko pulled a knife out of her backpack and began throwing it at the steel wall.
“Hey, Wataru-kun. This is the way to raise your acrobat rank, right?”
“Correct. If you keep doing it like that, your throwing skill will increase.”
As expected of an honor student, she must have understood GenoReal’s formula from my conversation. It is the same for acrobat ranks that damaging a strong enemy is an experience gain.
Kumiko, who has always been underpowered, probably wants to train her agility.
“When you have more mana to spare, you will be stronger if you train while doping with potions that increase Strength and Agility.”
“Doping has a bit of a problematic ring to it, doesn’t it?”
Seki frowned.
Well, it’s not the best choice of words, I guess.
“There are no side effects. Besides, because most of the Priest-class magic involves making potions, it’s a good idea to regularly raise your Intelligence with Wisdom Potions. The higher-ranked magic you successfully cast, the more experience you gain. So, it’s a good idea to focus on that.”
The priest type of magic is mostly about making potions.
The more you become stronger, the more you rely on potions, which is an interesting aspect of GenoReal.
“By the way, Kumiko. Have you seen your profession at the oracle, too?”
The fact that she was buying knives suggests that it was probably a profession like a thief.
However, Kumiko seemed to be making a displeased expression, so I found it curious and she whispered to me.
“It’s like I was… I was a ‘beginner ninja’1 or something.”
“Wait, that’s….”
She hurriedly stopped me from saying it by placing her hand over my mouth.
Kumiko seemed embarrassed.
“Oh no, don’t tell everyone. Everyone else was a warrior or a magician or something, so why am I the only one with such a strange occupation?”
“Kumiko, it’s okay. You can become a chunin or a jounin as you gain experience and rank up at the oracle.
Kumiko was saying that with a hint of subtlety, but I was secretly intrigued.
Kumiko’s occupation as a low-ranking ninja is a higher rank than that of a thief, and she had to rise through the ranks several times to become one.
She was nimble, had lockpicking skills, and was stronger than a warrior.
For some reason, the game’s American creators seemed to favor Oriental-style professions like ninjas and samurai, even providing them with powerful specialized weapons.
A higher level profession out of the blue is a rare case where you have to repeat character creation a thousand times (it’s a cheat, but there are macro tools that repeat character creation in succession) to finally get out of it.
I felt a thinly veiled fear of how lucky Kumiko was. In any game, there is nothing stronger than a player’s real luck.
“Then do that, and keep training until you can fight safely. I’m off to explore the labyrinth for a bit.”
I’ve already taught them everything I need to teach them. Now I have no regrets. Leaving everyone else training, I leave the town and head for the depths of the earth.
I say a little bit, but I may not be back.
Before that, I went to the burger store and had a hearty meal. I’m done with junk food. I thought about buying some food, but decided not to because my luggage would be too heavy.
I’m weak now, so agility is the only thing that matters.
“Well, let’s get cracking.”
My magic power is still at the level of only being able to use a magic torch. Even if my warrior rank had been raised by the fierce battle earlier, I would still only be an Apprentice.
But suddenly, I go to the boss battle.
Perhaps because of the aftermath of the Mustard Dragon’s rampage, the number of Orcs and Goblins in the dungeon was small.
I avoided the traps that were scattered across the floor, using them to separate and defeat the enemies one by one. Occasionally, an orc would get caught in a trap and fall into a hole, which made me laugh.
I opened the chests that appeared, but I left the gold coins and only used the gems on the spot.
Diamonds, rubies, and sapphires can be used in place of mana potions, so I use them to practice magic and keep making and drinking stamina potions.
Emeralds, peridots, and lapis lazuli are used to build up resistance to poisons, while also helping to overcome hunger and drowsiness.
While repeating this process, I reached the boss’s room.
“Well, I might as well use the agility potion.”
I drank it all, thanking Seki for making it for me, and then kicked down the crude wooden door and entered the small room where the Orc Lord lived.
As a surprise attack, I threw every pebble I can find at him without even checking inside, and quickly exit the room.
With a fearsome roar, the tall Orc Lord, carrying a huge iron hammer, emerged. Unlike the other orcs, he was dressed in rudimentary lamellar armor.
Indeed, he had the presence and power of a boss.
I dashed away, luring the enemy into the large room ahead.
He is angry at being hit by pebbles, but he is not stupid enough to fall into the trap.
We start chasing each other around the hidden trap, checking each other out.
“Come on, come on, try chasing faster.”
Thanks to the agility potion, I had plenty of room to maneuver.
Just as my stamina is depleted, the enemy’s stamina is depleted. While I can recover with potions, he cannot.
The small gap between me and the enemy gradually widened, and the enemy’s movement gradually slowed down.
I finally circled around and slashed him from behind.
It seems that getting its ankles slashed was painful due to its large size. I aimed at his leg to stop him from moving, but it didn’t go all the way to the bone.
The Orc Lord, who was cut from behind and screamed in pain and anger, spun around to try to corner me. This time, the chase was in the opposite direction.
“Come on, what’s wrong? You’re slow!”
I circle around again and slash at his thick thigh from behind once more.
I continued this process endlessly until my opponent’s legs gave out.
“Hah, hah… finally… got you.”
It took about thirty minutes for the Orc Lord to topple on his back. The head of the huge body, which was now just thrashing around on the floor, was whacked with the samurai sword like a watermelon splitting.
With a loud, guttural sound, the Orc Lord’s head ruptured, splattering blood.
Rummaging through the treasure chest that was generated at the same time as the Orc Lord’s murder, I found that there were still no good things in it.
I don’t want the gold coins because they will be too heavy, I’ll just take the gems.
“Oh, I should take the ‘Orc Lord’s Fangs’ as well.”
It’s a kind of proof that I defeated the Orc Lord, the boss of the first floor.
Every orc has fangs, but you don’t just cut them out of the corpse. They come out of treasure chests, so they must be treated as special items.
Once this is taken, there is no need to spend time on the first floor.
I went down the stairs to the second floor at the back of the boss’s room.
- 下忍 – This term is often used in the context of ninja or shinobi hierarchy. “Shimooshi” refers to a low-ranking or beginner ninja. In ninja organizations, ninjas were often categorized into different ranks, with “shimooshi” being at the lowest level. These low-ranking ninjas were typically tasked with basic and less dangerous missions.