Omake no Tensei-sha - Chapter 108 - Night attack! Night Attempt!
“Hokee, Kyororororororo……”
Is it a beast, a bird, or an insect? The identity of this cry echoing through the night in Kaise Forest was unknown.
Emmy, bathed in moonlight filtering through the leaves, was taking a nap at the base of a giant tree in Kaise Forest, her back resting against the trunk. Even for a superhuman girl like Emmy, rest and sleep were necessary. This was no different even in the dangerous magical wilderness.
She had not fully recovered from the damage inflicted by the bullet pippis during the day. Compared to her previous life, her body was incredibly robust and had extraordinary healing capabilities, but that didn’t mean her wounds healed instantly. Emmy needed rest now.
The girl breathed quietly in her sleep. Had it not been for the cultural aversion to black hair and black eyes, any painter who saw her sleeping under the moonlight would have been compelled to capture her beauty.
However, for the inhabitants of this magical wilderness, such beauty meant nothing. To them, she was not a beautiful girl but a wounded prey.
And now, a predator had set its sights on this prey. Its name was Night Tryte. The Tryte resembled a large-nosed dog and was about the size of a Golden Retriever. This large, black-furred creature, with its keen sense of smell, had tracked down Emmy.
Though it made no sound, its expression was twisted with pleasure. It was a hunter of the night, not foolish enough to make a noise and alert its prey.
Carefully, without a sound, it approached the girl.
The distance was now less than one meter. Close enough for its breath to be felt.
The Night Tryte had successfully closed in.
The time to strike had come.
With a mouth large enough to easily swallow a human head, the Night Tryte leapt at Emmy!
At this point, its hunt was essentially successful. No creature could react to an attack from such close proximity. This was the unshakeable truth, backed by his past successful experiences.
But, however.
Here was a creature.
A creature that demonstrated a superhuman response, shattering that certainty!!
The next moment, Emmy’s eyes snapped open. She instinctively extended her right hand to the Night Tryte’s upper jaw and her left hand to the lower, stopping the bite attack.
How? Why?
The Night Tryte was in a whirl of confusion. Its deadly bite had killed every prey until now. Why not her?
The answer lay in the faint murderous intent and magical power. Emmy had felt them subconsciously and woke up just in time. Her response was just barely enough.
With a shout, Emmy used her hands holding the jaws to forcefully open them. With her newfound monstrous strength, enhanced by the repeated transformations of her magical power and the addition of 【Physical Strengthening】, the Night Tryte’s jaws could not withstand the force.
The large-nosed creature’s head was torn apart, and its neck was severed by a swift chop, dying without even a chance to scream.
Butchit… Butchit…
Emmy wasn’t good at waking up. She often felt irritated upon waking, and she took out that irritation on the corpse of the beast. She tore off its limbs with brute force and brought them to her mouth.
After eating for a while, her sleepy mind began to clear, and Emmy started to reflect on the situation.
That was close. This time, she had noticed the nocturnal attack, but it was pure luck. One wrong step, and she would have been eaten and dead.
She needed to think of a countermeasure, and quickly.