Omake no Tensei-sha - Chapter 110 - Learn! [Magic power detection thread]!
After receiving the Night Tryte attack, what Emmy desired was a safe haven and a means to protect herself during sleep.
The former could be found by wandering around, but the latter was more troublesome.
Emmy was acting alone. She had no companions to take turns keeping watch at night. The being inside her head shared her consciousness, so when Emmy slept, it did too. It was useless in such situations.
…If only her master, Kamasse, were here.
Such thoughts came to mind, but they were nothing more than weak delusions that could never be realized. She shook her head to dispel them.
As Emmy pondered, the voice inside her head suggested an idea.
Namely, couldn’t she use 【Magical Cutting Threads】 like a barrier, similar to “that bald man”?
“That bald man” referred to the cult leader who had once been an enemy of both Emmy and her master. He was the original user of 【Magical Cutting Threads】. Indeed, the bald man had freely controlled the threads, and there was a moment when he used them as the voice suggested. If Emmy could keep the 【Magical Cutting Threads】 barrier active even while sleeping, enemies couldn’t approach her. This would provide a comparatively safe sleeping environment.
However, with Emmy’s current level of magical manipulation, it was impossible to realize this suggestion. Emmy’s total magical power had increased significantly, and her proficiency in handling 【Magical Cutting Threads】 had improved considerably. Previously, she could only make threads as thick as ropes, but now, thanks to her daily training, she could thin them to the size of fishing lines, significantly reducing the amount of magic needed for deployment and making efficient operation possible. But keeping it active all night was a different story. Her magic wouldn’t last that long.
What should she do?
Even after obtaining a relatively safe base by taking over the nest of the Kubikari Fukurou, Emmy continued to ponder this. When not hunting, she thought about it constantly and continuously experimented with 【Magical Cutting Threads】 for more efficient usage.
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One day, as the morning sun shone into the hollow tree where she was hiding, Emmy awoke. Half-asleep, she stuck her head out of the hollow, only to feel an unpleasant, sticky sensation on her forehead. It was a spider’s web. The owner of the web, an ordinary little black spider, had apparently been busy weaving it while Emmy slept.
Shaking her head to get rid of the web, Emmy spotted the spider hastily fleeing above her.
It seemed to have detected the vibrations of its destroyed web and chosen to evacuate.
As Emmy sleepily watched this, she suddenly realized something and fully awakened her consciousness. She activated 【Magical Cutting Threads】 and began to experiment immediately.
Why couldn’t she keep 【Magical Cutting Threads】 active all night? As mentioned, it was because her current magical power was insufficient. Why was the magic cost of 【Magical Cutting Threads】 so high? It was because they were using magic “to cut.” The cost was higher for an attack like 【Praying Mantis】, which added “cutting” magic to a regular 【Physical Enhancement】, than for a regular 【Physical Enhancement】 alone. For some reason, this “cutting” magic felt more costly to Emmy compared to other magical manipulations, such as “sticking” magic.
So, what exactly are 【Magical Cutting Threads】? To Emmy, it was a technique of extending and controlling “cutting” magic in the form of threads. The cost of “cutting” magic was high. So what if she removed the “cutting” aspect from 【Magical Cutting Threads】? Wouldn’t that reduce the magic cost?
That was what Emmy thought.
So she tried it, and 【Magical Cutting Threads】 disappeared.
It was obvious. After all, 【Magical Cutting Threads】 were threads made of “cutting” magic.
So Emmy changed her approach. Could she create threads with a type of magic other than “cutting” magic? The first thing she thought of was making threads with “sticking” magic. She imagined spider silk that could restrain and capture prey, sticky threads. If realized, this technology could play a significant role not only in defending her base but also in hunting.
However, this idea was extremely difficult to implement.
The “sticking” magic was very hard to extend into threads. It was sticky and wouldn’t stretch. That’s how Emmy perceived this magic.
So, she put this idea on hold as well.
But Emmy didn’t give up. She loved this kind of trial and error. Even in her previous life, she didn’t mind thinking alone about this and that (in fact, she had no one to talk to, so she used to think about such things a lot), and solving this puzzle promised to strengthen her. She became engrossed in tackling this problem.
Next, Emmy went back to basics. What was the basic principle of magic
manipulation for her? It was 【Physical Enhancement】. This magic, which she had desperately learned to protect her life from her father’s violence, did not require the transformation of magic into forms like “cutting” or “sticking”. It involved allowing raw magic from her soul to permeate her skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs, thereby enhancing them.
So, this “raw” magic. Untransformed, pure magic. She tried to externalize it in the form of threads.
This was Emmy’s next attempt and the first step towards achieving her goal.
Creating threads from “raw” magic was far easier than the traditional 【Magical Cutting Threads】. It was so simple that Emmy regretted not thinking of it sooner. The threads were quite easy to extend, and she could move them more freely than 【Magical Cutting Threads】. The magic cost was also significantly lower. With this, she could keep the threads out all night and still have enough magic to greet the morning comfortably.
However, these threads had no strength at all. When she tried throwing a thin branch at the thread stretched in the air, it broke without any resistance. But Emmy was satisfied with this result. What she noticed was the sensation when the thread broke. If she spread these threads around her, the moment someone approached and broke them, she would be aware of their presence. In other words, these threads could be used as noisemakers.
Thus, Emmy’s original goal was achieved at this point. The voice in her head named these threads 【Magic Sensing Threads】, and they were put into use that very night. Initially, there were drawbacks, such as reacting to small animals like mice that posed no threat, but she managed to deal with this by adjusting the way she spread the threads. As for the operational difficulty of maintaining the threads while sleeping, it was not a problem for Emmy, who had always kept 【Physical Enhancement】 active while sleeping. This happened about two months after entering the magic wilderness.
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Thus, a month after Emmy mastered 【Magic Sensing Threads】, the battle with the Power Bear began. Emmy, who had kept 【Magic Sensing Threads】 active while sleeping, sensed the Power Bear’s approach, immediately woke up, and visually confirmed the enemy. With her improved 【Magical Cutting Threads】, longer and more precise, she ambushed the Power Bear, which was caught off guard and had barely any 【Physical Enhancement】. She severed its right front leg by surprise.
The truth of the Power Bear battle was revealed.
Now, Emmy gazed at the surroundings of her base, which had been completely cleared due to the Power Bear’s rampage.
The nearby Kaise trees were battered and in a miserable state.
And more troubling, the large Kaise tree where Emmy had made her nest, with its large hollow.
That tree had snapped from its base.
Emmy sighed. It seemed she would have to find a new base again.
She puffed her cheeks and turned her back on the broken Kaise tree, beginning to walk deeper into the forest.
She had already acquired the skills to protect herself. Moreover, the number of nearby prey, such as the Swordreles, was gradually decreasing. It might be time to move her base.
That was what she was thinking when the incident with the Power Bear occurred.
The Power Bear had merely provided the impetus for this.
Now reduced to bones and fur by Emmy, who had devoured its flesh and blood, she glanced at the remains of the Power Bear and then never looked back.
The sky began to brighten gradually. The stars’ brilliance faded, swallowed by the purple morning sky. The day began to dawn.
Gyunn! Gyunn! Gyunn!
With the casualness of sparrows chirping, the Bullet Pippis launched their attacks at Emmy. Without even glancing at the small birds, Emmy grabbed them at super-high speed and crushed them, continuing through the forest. It was unknown how many lived in the area, but she encountered attacks from Bullet Pippis at least once a day. Emmy had become accustomed to dealing with these small birds. In her mind, following the poison snakes Yasago, the Bullet Pippis had been recognized as automatically supplied snacks.