The case of me, a plain office worker, being approached by my beautiful boss and the company idol for some reason - Chapter 53 - Duality
“……I wonder if I can become like that too?”
Being calm, not yelling, a grown-up who can bow their head for his subordinates.
“…No, it’s not about whether I can become like that.”
I must want to become that… otherwise, I won’t even get close.
“What’s up? You were staring into space…”
Oops, that’s not good.
Right now, I’m supposed to be having lunch with Reina-san.
“Sorry… I was just thinking how admirable the section chief is.”
“From that line earlier, huh? Fufu, he’s always been like that. He said the same thing to me when I became a team leader.”
“Why is he so calm? Is it just his personality?”
“Uhm… I guess it’s okay to tell you, Mito-kun. The section chief… once made a subordinate he had high hopes for quit.”
“Eh? That section chief did?”
“It seems like it was a long time ago. When I asked the same question… he said because he had high expectations, he unconsciously put too much pressure on him… So since then, he’s decided to be patient and watch over them until they gain confidence in themselves.”
“I see… so everyone has their own history.”
“Fufu, everyone does. Anyway… this fried chicken is delicious!”
“Ah, really? I’m glad.”
“It’s… less oily than before, but still has a crispy texture… Did you do something special?”
“I made it with rice flour instead of wheat flour, which is typically used for frying.”
“Heh…! So this is what happens when you make it with rice flour!”
“Yes, it’s not as oily and it stays delicious even when it gets cold, so it’s suitable for lunch boxes.”
“It really is delicious… Ah– a little octopus!”
Wow, she’s cute.
What’s with the “a little octopus!” thing?
Well, I did make octopus-shaped sausages today.
“I thought the lunch box would look a little cuter…”
“Yes! It’s cute!”
No, the cute one is you, right?
“Is… is that so…”
“Wow~ I can’t believe you have these… I’ve always wanted them since I was little… Sausages are expensive to begin with…”
“…then, I will include sausages on the days I make lunch.”
Reina-san’s face lights up.
“I’m happy!”
Well, well… should I make apple rabbits next time?
I want to see her happy face…
After a pleasant meal…
“Haa… that was delicious. Mito-kun, thank you again for today. It was very tasty.”
“No, I’m happy just to see your face. As long as Reina-san is smiling.”
“Eh…? That… does that mean…”
“For a cook, that is the greatest happiness.”
“Th, that’s what you meant! Da, dangerous, dangerous…”
Hm? Why is she flustered?
I only said what was completely natural…
“Well… what are we going to do after this? I’m going to the kitchen as is…”
“Huh? Oh, it’s time… Cough! Then, I’ll go with you.”
Ah– She turned into Section Chief Matsuura.
“An inspection… understood.”
“Don’t be nervous. I’m just going to watch and not interfere.”
…That’s what I’m most afraid of.
We leave the room together and arrive at the kitchen.
Then, we greet the three new employees and the two women in the kitchen.
“Eh… who is that lady?”
“She’s Matsuura, the head of our section. She’s just here to check on my work, so you guys can relax and do your jobs.”
“Ah… the rumored…”
“I… I’ve heard about her…”
“Me too…”
“Oh– what? If you have any complaints, speak up.”
A blizzard blows through, courtesy of the Ice Queen.
Ah– They’ve completely shrunk back…
“Section Chief Matsuura, you shouldn’t make such a scary face. You’re cute, so you should smile more.”
“Eh?… Wh, what…”
Reina-san’s face quickly turns red…
…She might be mad because I was cheeky.
But I have to stand strong here.
“It’s a waste. Section Chief Matsuura is actually a kind and cute person.”
” ‘The hero is here…’ ”
“~~! So… so… I’ll handle it.”
“Yes, I think that’s a good idea. I’m sorry for being cheeky.”
“It’s… it’s okay, it’s not like…”
” ‘Wow… she’s blushing.’ ”
” ‘No! Nothing at all!’ ”
Well, well… Section Chief, it might be too difficult for me.
But I have to work hard to let people know Reina-san’s charm.
Once the greetings are over, we start our discussion.
“So… has everyone come up with at least one idea? Let’s start with Higashigo-kun.”
“I think a side dish would be good. I remembered my mom saying she was one dish short, and it was a hassle to make.”
“I see, that’s a good idea. Indeed, it would be helpful for housewives who are short on time.”
“Then, how about you, Amano-san?”
“I… I thought… about soup…”
“Why do you sound so unsure? I think that’s a great idea. It can take quite some time.”
“Yes! Thank you!”
“Finally, Okumura-kun.”
“I want to go for the main dish. Something that you can eat just by heating it in boiling water.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea too. There’s been an increase in delicious foods recently. However, since everyone has different opinions, let’s try to align them from here. Discuss the merits and demerits of each idea.”
” ‘Yes!!!’ ”
Phew… it’s quite challenging.
I want them to work freely…
“…I think it’s good.”
Phew… it seems like I got at least a passing grade for now.
After that, we have a discussion, and everyone agrees to submit what they’ve compiled tomorrow or later.
…Teaching and guiding others is tough.