The case of me, a plain office worker, being approached by my beautiful boss and the company idol for some reason - Chapter 54 - Weekend
My continuous days of guiding the inexperienced junior colleagues and fulfilling my own work responsibilities, quickly lead me to the weekend.
And then, Friday… finally, a problem arises.
“So that’s why! I said it’s the garnish! My mom said it takes surprisingly a lot of effort!”
Tougo-kun is not wrong.
It does take effort, and deciding what to make can be a challenge.
“But! Making soup takes time! Garnishes are commonplace!”
Amano-san also has a point.
Not only does it take time to prepare the ingredients, but there are also steps like straining that are needed.
Moreover, amateurs might struggle with seasoning.
“No, I think the main dish is key. After all, it is the star of the meal. If you decide on that, everything else will be easier. Garnishes can be whipped up in no time.”
I also understand what Okumura-kun is saying.
Without deciding on the main dish, it’s difficult to decide on the garnishes and the soup.
The day’s menu probably depends on the main dish.
“All three of you are getting too heated.”
“Mito-senpai, what do you think?”
“About the soup?”
“About the main dish?”
Uh oh…this is going to be tough.
Well, at least they’re enthusiastic.
“Each of them has its merits.”
I relay the thoughts I just had.
“Oh, I see…”
“That’s…that’s true…”
“I can’t deny that.”
“Good… I want you to think about it until Monday. Of course, I will also come with my opinion on Monday.”
“Yes, sir!”
Sigh… It feels rewarding, but it’s incredibly tiring…
After finishing my work on Friday, I went straight home and dove onto the sofa.
“Ah! I’m exhausted!”
Teaching people requires so much energy…
“They can’t agree…what should we do?”
It’s good that I gave them each a task, but…
“Their opinions are all over the place…”
They seem to be convinced that their own opinion is the best.
“Being a boss is tough… Reina-san and the section chief are amazing.”
But, I have to overcome this…
“Opportunities to prove yourself don’t come along very often.”
Even if they like me, this isn’t a charity.
“If I miss this… the next one may not come.”
For the sake of matching Reina-san and gaining confidence in myself…
“I have to overcome this somehow.”
But, let me take a break first…
Huh… Is it bright?
“…Damn… Is it morning?”
My body hurts…
“I took off my jacket, but I fell asleep in my suit…”
The time is… five o’clock… I’ve been sleeping for nine hours, no wonder I’m sore.
“I’m hungry… but first, I’ll take a shower.”
After taking a shower, I stare at the retort food I have in stock.
Curry, hashed rice, hamburg steak, simmered fish dishes…
“Hmm… maybe the main dish is indeed the best option…”
Garnishes and soups are not bad, but having a main dish makes times like this extremely easy.
“For example, on days when there are no children or the husband isn’t home, these retort food products might be just fine.”
I tend to focus on meals for the family, but I’m sure housewives also eat alone at times.
“If there were delicious retort food products for those times… yeah, I think that would be convenient.”
Okay… I’ll use this idea to soften their stances.
If they decide on this, great.
But I won’t push it too hard.
It’s good enough if it can be a reference.
For now, I decide to go with the classic silver-retort curry.
“Heat it in hot water and… serve with pickles and wakame.”
Curry and wakame go surprisingly well together.
It adds an accent and keeps the flavor from becoming monotonous.
“Make instant miso soup… use the salad I prepared in advance…”
Lastly, heat up the frozen rice in the microwave.
“Now everything’s ready. It really is convenient…”
I like cooking, but recent retort food products are delicious.
“Hmm… the problem is what to make the main dish…”
Afterwards, I quickly finish the prepared meal.
“Yep… there are fewer dishes to wash… and it can be prepared in about ten minutes.”
I reconfirm the convenience of retort food.
“Alright, my body is sore… I’ll go for a walk.”
After taking a short break, I decide to go for a walk in the early morning.
“Ah… It’s so refreshing…”
It’s a little past six, so it’s pleasantly cool.
Walking in mid-May is great.
It’s neither hot nor cold, and unlike spring, there’s no strong wind.
“Alright… since I have this chance, today I’ll walk far.”
It will be beneficial to loosen up my body and organize my thoughts.
I continued walking… and before I knew it, I had arrived at the supermarket where I met Reina-san before.
“Phew… I walked quite a bit. But it feels nostalgic even though it was just recently.”
I met Reina-san here… and somehow ended up having a meal…
“I didn’t think my life would change this much…”
Of course, in a good way.
“Huh? Mito-kun…?”
“Go-good morning…”
When I turned around… there was Reina-san.