Yandere Idol vs The Perfect Human - Chapter 11 - Tobiichi Luna is Special
Kamino-kun looked at her with a hint of annoyance.
“You’re a bit too confident, don’t you think, Tobiichi-san?”
She glanced around the class.
“How about we have the vote now then?”
Kamino-kun hesitated for a moment.
“I think a little more discussion is necessary before we have the next vote…”
As I sat here, passively watching everything unfold, I could tell that Kamino-kun was certainly not confident in himself. The initial consensus of the class was in favour of Tobiichi-san, so there wasn’t much room to manoeuvre. Inside, he probably realised that he didn’t stand a chance.
From what I could tell, it seemed as though he just wanted to make his presence known within the class. In this meritocracy, the smarter students would realise that it’s important to get ahead, before everyone else caught onto what was actually happening.
Tobiichi-san was softly tapping the table with her fingers.
“If that’s the case, what would you like to discuss~?”
Kamino-kun looked up at the roof.
“Um… well, why do you want to be the class representative, Tobiichi-san?”
She thought for a moment.
“Hm, I guess it just sounds interesting.”
“Is that all?”
“It’s most of it.”
Kamino-kun seemed to be getting more agitated.
“If you’re only doing it for fun, you should think again. I’m going to genuinely try to benefit our class.”
“That’s a nice reason.”
“It’s much better than yours. This is something that should be taken seriously.”
Tobiichi-san sighed.
“Is there anything else you want to discuss?”
He thought for a moment.
“No, let’s have the next vote now.”
We voted on our phones
The teacher showed the results on the board.
Voting Results – Round Two
1. Tobiichi Luna – 17 votes
2. Kamino Arisu – 13 votes
“Well, Tobiichi Luna-san will be the representative of Class 1-B. That’s it for the election, you’re dismissed for lunch now.”
Kamino-kun spoke up in a sudden jolt of disagreeable.
“What’s the matter, Kamino-kun?”
“Never mind.”
The election was less climactic than expected. Tobiichi-san’s win was expected.
As all the other students left the class, she approached me.
“Kizutaka-kun, aren’t you going to celebrate my win~?”
I grabbed my lunchbox out of my bag.
“Just to let you know, I’ve already assigned you as my assistant. I look forward to seeing you in the student council room in a few minutes~”
I looked down at my phone.
To Kizutaka Rin
You have been selected to be the assistant representative of class 1-B. Please meet in the student council room located at the end of the main hall at 1:20 pm. Congratulations on being a part of the 1st Kansaki Student Council.
The old student leadership system has been disbanded.
It seemed that I wasn’t given a choice on the matter.
What a hassle.
It didn’t matter that much though.
I guess we’d likely be voting on a new student council president, considering the old system was disbanded.
• ───────────────── •
Entering the student council room, I could smell a casual hint of vanilla essence. It was a grand room, with a large U-shaped table surrounded by dark couches and antique cupboards. The room was filled with a little bit of chatter as all the new members talked with each other. I stood beside Tobiichi-san, hoping to not have to do too much.
There was a teacher handing out badges to all of the students.
Tobiichi-san and I were seated together, with metallic triangle name tags already placed on the table. As everyone began to quieten down, the teacher began to speak.
“The student council will mostly operate separate to the adults. As such, you will now vote on a student council president who will take care of organising meetings from now on.”
The teacher took a step back.
One of the students from Class 2-A began to speak. Looking at his tag, his name was Tsukumo Akifumi. Sitting beside him was his assistant, Ishioka Mai, a cold, slender girl with blonde hair.
“I like to present myself as a candidate. As the previous student council president, I see no reason to change the positions. I’m already familiar with all the processes so it will save us all effort.”
There was a little discussion between everyone.
The representative from 3-C got up.
“We don’t have any objections to that idea, but is there anyone else who wants to offer themselves as a candidate for president?”
Tobiichi-san didn’t seem to want the position.
There was another round of chatter between representatives and their assistants. Eventually, everyone agreed on the idea of letting Tsukumo-kun continue as president.
The teacher made their way back to the front of the table.
“It seems you’ve all agreed to keep Tsukumo Akifumi-kun as the president. I don’t think we need to have a vote on this since you’re all in agreement.”
Suddenly, the representative from 1-A got up. She looked up at the teacher, smiling a little before clasping her hands together.
“Actually, I object to that idea. I propose that we have a little game to decide the new student council president. That sounds more fun, doesn’t it?”
“What are you suggesting, Sakai-san?”
The teacher seemed confused.
“I want to be president, but I doubt that I’d have the popular vote. That’s why I’d like to offer a small game to Tsukumo-kun. He can decline if he wants.”
The teacher glanced over at Tsukumo-kun.
“You know what, Sakai-chan, I’ll accept your challenge. What game are you suggesting we play?”
Sakai Chihiro-san smiled.
“It’s a pretty simple game. We both choose a Core Attribute of the other person’s. Then, we both guess what it is. Whoever gets closer to the true value wins~.”
“How would we officiate that?”
The teacher butted in.
“If you would like to officially agree to this game, I can stand as the witness. I have access to all of your Core Attributes as well, so I have no problem with this game.”
Tsukumo-kun thought for a moment.
“I’ll play, but the loser has to reveal their Core Attribute, how does that sound?”
Sakai-san giggled.
“I’m happy with that.”
The two of them shook hands.