Yandere Idol vs The Perfect Human - Chapter 12 - Sakai Chihiro vs Tsukumo Akifumi
All the other members of the student council looked at them with intrigue.
The two candidates stared at each other.
The teacher announced the commencing of the game.
“Alright, both of you choose a Core Attribute of the other person’s.”
Sakai-san went first.
“I pick Tsukumo-kun’s Appearance Attribute.”
It was a somewhat unexpected choice. I didn’t know how acquainted those two were with each other, but the old student council president’s Interpersonal Skills Attribute would’ve been the easier to determine; although, appearance was another Attribute that could be judged without prior knowledge.
Tsukumo-kun took a moment to think.
“I choose your Intelligence Attribute.”
The teacher searched some things up on their phone. The other students were all quietly whispering to each other. It seemed that they all found this rather amusing.
“Alright, the two of you, what are your guesses.”
Leading the exchange, Sakai-san answered first.
“My guess is 94; Tsukumo-kun’s pretty attractive after all~.”
Suddenly, her opponent tensed up. Tsukumo-kun appeared clearly distressed. He took a deep breath.
“My guess is 91 for her Intelligence Attribute.”
There was a moment of silence.
The teacher looked over at Sakai-san.
“Sakai-san wins the game. Tsukumo-kun’s Appearance Attribute was 93.”
Tsukumo-kun subtly dug his fingers into the table.
With that, the teacher grabbed a badge out of the drawer.
“Sakai-san is the new student council president. I assume no one has any objections to this. Since there was a verbal contract, this is the result.”
No one spoke up.
The teacher handed the badge to Sakai-san, the words Student Council President were imprinted on the small golden plate.
She smiled as she attached it to her blazer.
“Thank you everyone, and I hope we all get along.”
I could sense a slight eeriness in the way she behaved. There was a clear divide between her intentions and her actions. She did a little wave to all of us.
The teacher began walking toward the door.
“With the president decided on, I’ll let you guys operate by yourselves now. Sakai-san, please choose a vice-president, treasurer and secretary.”
With that, the teacher left.
There was a moment of silence as the door slammed shut.
Sakai-san cleared her throat and glanced at Tsukumo-kun.
“Well, I choose Tobiichi-san as vice-president, Kanao-san as secretary and Tsukumo-kun as treasurer.”
It seemed that she elected to choose her own assistant as secretary and let Tsukumo-kun have a position as well.
The room suddenly erupted into the chatter.
“—hold on! Aren’t you going to discuss this before choosing all those positions?”
“—yeah! Shouldn’t you ask who actually wants to do it?”
Sakai-san smiled a little, fixing up the badge on her blazer.
“It doesn’t matter does it? You should’ve noticed that the school doesn’t care whether you want to do something or not. If you’re selected, you’re automatically placed in the position.”
She sighed.
“Regardless, Tobiichi-san, you don’t have any objections do you?”
She didn’t seem to care about the opinions of any of the other students.
Tobiichi-san looked up at Sakai-san.
“I don’t mind~. But Sakai-san, are you sure you want me?”
Sakai-san laughed a little.
“Of course I want you, Tobiichi-san. Although, I’m interested in your assistant there. He hasn’t talked all day. Kizutaka Rin-kun… was it?”
She looked at me.
I noticed that Tobiichi-san seemed to be annoyed by what Sakai-san was saying.
“What do you mean by interested in him…?”
Sakai-san noticed her glare.
“Aha, I didn’t mean it like that Tobiichi-san. I was just surprised, he must be pretty special if you chose him over Kamino Arisu-kun from your class.”
“It doesn’t matter to you, does it?”
“I guess not~. Well, I guess I should organise our future meetings.”
After taking a look at her phone, Sakai-san made her way to the front of the table.
“I just got a message from the school. It says that the student council will vote on a change in the school.”
The school really was fast with its implementation of concepts.
Everyone’s phones received a notification.
To Student Council Representatives
Your first decision will be made between these two choices. Please note that there will be an exam in three weeks, with various rewards and consequences as a result.
Option 1. Classes become optional and attendance does not matter.
Option 2. Classes stay mandatory and attendance is taken into account in exams.
Voting and discussion will continue until one option receives 60% of the votes. The student council president will organise the voting and discussion periods.
Instantly after most people finished reading, another notification popped up. It was followed up by Sakai-san.
“This seems pretty boring. Let’s just all vote now.”
There was outcry within the other members of the student council. However, Sakai-san completely disregarded their voices. All the members were forced to vote immediately, without any discussion.
I made my choice. Eventually, everyone else did as well.
A screen appeared on our phones.
Class Attendance Bill – Round One
Option 1: 19
Option 2: 11
“Looks like that’s that then.”
Sakai-san sent the results back to the school.
It was clear that a lot of people weren’t happy.
“—Sakai-san, how can you make us all vote without a discussion! That was an important topic!”
“—You can’t keep acting on impulse like this!”
“—We should’ve kept Tsukumo-kun as the president!”
She scratched her ear.
Leaning against the wall, Sakai-san yawned.
“That’s too bad. You should’ve put up a bigger fight during the election. Kanao-san, come over here for a second.”
Sakai-san’s assistant made her way over to her.
With that, some people began discussing their opinions of Sakai-san.
“Kizutaka-kun, this is getting pointless, let’s go.”
It seemed that student council activities were about over for the day anyways.
I got out of my seat.
Tobiichi-san took a few steps toward the door.
“…ah, I’m so happy that we get to be together for the student council. Especially since we get to sit next to each other…”
She laughed a little.
“What was that?”