Yandere Idol vs The Perfect Human - Chapter 2 - Humans are Lying Creatures
Some people call me the perfect human.
Personally, I think that it’s a misnomer. There is no perfect human; there obviously isn’t. Like all other forms of perfection, the perfect human is just another subjective term, used to describe the product of their manufacturing.
I was just another one of the tools, crudely built by the Nishikawa Conglomerate.
Still, I have some attachment to my own humanity, at least to the extent that I comprehend it. It’s a complicated topic to describe, maybe that’s the real reason why I’m not fully capable of understanding it. It’s not something that can just be visualised in one’s mind, it’s another one of those abstract concepts that can only slowly be discovered through experience. I guess it’ll come to me with time, or maybe it won’t.
I assume my desire to experience life as a normal person stems from this attachment.
Well, desire is a strong term. Although, it might still be the right word.
More specifically, I want to experience how it feels to hurt. I want to experience how it feels to be broken.
Normal people would try to avoid emotions like this, naturally. However, just as there is no happiness without sadness, I feel no pleasure without having experienced pain. Well, that’s just another one of my assumptions. It’s hard to picture things you’ve never felt—especially something as ambiguous as emotion.
I guess it’d be interesting to see if I’d ever be able to feel something.
It’s a natural human desire to want pleasure, right?
Well, at least that’s what I’d assume.
• ───────────────── •
I find myself staring outside the window. The schoolyard was covered by a thin layer of water that had gathered from the rain. It was harsh enough to dissuade anyone from going outside, crashing into the glass every once in a while as the wind changed. Still, there was nothing much else to do except mindlessly looking outside.
“Class, I’m excited to announce the arrival of a new transfer student. She’s someone many of you guys might already recognise. Before she comes inside, please make sure that you react appropriately.”
The other students raised their heads with an overt sense of curiosity. It didn’t interest me that much though. Just like how I was once a transfer student, I saw nothing particularly novel in such a process.
As the girl walked inside, the other students gasped in shock. The room suddenly went dead silent as people scrambled to see what was happening.
“Please welcome Tobiichi Luna, our new transfer student.”
I recognised her from some of the advertisement material I saw during my time in the Ideal Human Project. Her face was familiar enough to me so that I didn’t feel as though she was a complete stranger. Still, I didn’t interact with her very much while I was in the Nishikawa Conglomerate’s facilities.
“Nice to meet you all. You can call me Luna-chan, I hope to get along with everyone.”
There was a slight spread of whispering throughout the class.
Walking over, Tobiichi-san takes the seat in front of me, without even batting an eye. It was a bit cold of her, considering that we were previously acquainted, but I guess she was a celebrity after all. Turning around, I continued to stare out the window as I did before. I often wonder to myself why I don’t engage with people around me; I just don’t feel any interest in others, or myself, or anything, really. I guess that was the real goal of the Ideal Human project.
Class went on as usual. There was some subtle chatter around the room regarding our new transfer student, but the teacher managed to keep most people under control.
The bell rang for recess.
In an instant, people began to gather around Tobiichi-san. Being seated behind her, their conversations were quite overtly travelling into my ears. I never really left my seat, even during recess. Awkwardly fiddling through my bag, I looked around for something to do.
“…how come you decided to come to school? Surely you earn enough money to live a nice life from all the adverts you appear in.”
“…ah, well, I don’t exactly come to school to get an education and earn money.”
The girl patted her skirt, straightening it out a little.
“…oh? What’s the reason then? Are you here to find new idols to work with?”
“…haa, it doesn’t really work like that. I just want to make friends and have fun, you know? I missed out on a lot of activities when I was constantly busy with work.”
“…aww~. We’ll make sure you have lots of fun Luna-chan!”
The girl smiled a little, however, Tobiichi-san was still looking down at her table listlessly.
It was hard not to overhear their conversation, but I still wanted to find something else to do. Taking my phone out of my bag, I decided to open it up, scrolling through some random apps that the Nishikawa Conglomerate had installed onto it.
Ah, this is a bit boring.
In the end, I just leaned back in my chair, staring into the distance.
Little did I know, she was about to turn my life upside down.